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Businesses always try to eliminate unnecessary costs, but printing isn’t necessarily everyone’s first idea of an unnecessary cost. With so much revenue being invested in paper, ink, and toner every year, just think of how many resources this can free up for your business if you could find a way to eliminate them from your budget. With the right technology solutions, you can easily cut costs on printing.
Most of the Internet's data is stored in data centers. Logistically, data centers are a great solution to store ridiculous amounts of data. However, from an environmental perspective, data centers may be doing more harm than good. This, according to a new report by the National Resources Defense Council.
Many people often associate the coming of spring with spring cleaning, or giving their house a good frisking. They use this opportunity to get rid of all of the junk they don't need anymore, such as useless wedding gifts or things they haven't touched, let alone seen, in years. The same thing can be done with your IT department at the workplace.
One of the greatest trends to hit business culture within the last few years has been going green, aka, being environmentally conscious. Companies that adopt green culture end up helping the Earth, improving their brand reputation, gaining tax credits, and attracting new green-minded customers. If you're considering going green, one of the easiest places to start is with your technology.
Smartphones and tablets are everywhere, and it's no secret that people are tied to their devices. App markets are filled with all types of software that, if used properly, can help manage every aspect of a person's life and connect them to databases filled with humanity's accrued knowledge. The polling professionals at Gartner found that over 1.2 billion such devices were purchased in 2013 alone. This boom gives innovators new markets to explore. XD Design is doing just that with their line of solar-powered chargers.
Today's business environment is environmentally conscious. Companies that implement green policies and use energy-saving technologies are making a positive impact on the environment. Going green is the responsible thing to do and will also positively impact your business. Here are three ways using green technology can benefit your business.
If you didn’t know Windows can save a list of the text and images you copy, I feel for you—you’ve missed out on a simple trick that could’ve saved you a lot of time. But don’t worry, it’s easy to set up, and I’ll show you how.
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L7 Solutions
7890 Peters Road Building G102,
Plantation, Florida 33324