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LSeven Solutions Blog

LSeven Solutions has been serving the Fort Lauderdale area since 2001, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tip of the Week: How to Give Your Team the Best Working Conditions

b2ap3_thumbnail_great_working_conditions_400.jpgWhen it comes to the workplace, people want more than they used to. It used to be all about the salary and decent working conditions, but that has significantly changed in the past decade. In order to attract the best talent and stay ahead of the competition, you want to provide optimal working conditions when possible. Thankfully, by providing your team with a few accommodations, it doesn’t have to be difficult for everyone to enjoy their workday.

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Are Your Employees as Competitive as Black Friday Sales?

b2ap3_thumbnail_workplace_competition_400.jpgBlack Friday is widely regarded as the most competitive day for American retailers, and for consumers standing in line to take advantage of rock-bottom prices, the general consensus is that all of this competition is great for their wallets. In the same way, your business can benefit from a healthy dose of friendly competition.

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Trust is the Key for BYOD

b2ap3_thumbnail_byod_trust_400.jpgAs mobile technology booms, employers and employees are learning how to best take advantage of using new mobile technology in the workplace (a trend known as BYOD). To be sure, there are several advantages that come with BYOD, but there’s still hesitancy for many businesses to fully adopt mobile technology due to a lack of trust.

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Stop Ignoring Unneeded Applications That Take Up Space on Your Network

b2ap3_thumbnail_trash_apps_to_improve_performance_400.jpgThere’s a value to having a neat and tidy office where everything is where it’s supposed to be. In addition to seeing a boost in productivity because you’re not having to fight clutter, you just feel good about working in a space that’s clean and orderly. These same principles of organization apply to your company’s network.

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Tip of the Week: How to Use Your Smartphone to Actually Be Productive

b2ap3_thumbnail_productive_smartphone_400.jpgThere is consistent conversation about the security of your data and the best ways to minimize the risk of losing it. At some point in this conversation the topic of mobile devices comes up. The general consensus is that the more places your staff can access their work, the more they can get done, and how could it not? With smartphones becoming as predominant as coffee mugs, and the nature of mobile devices that have the capability of hopping from one network to the next, how can you ignore that the devices themselves are a data-loss risk?

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Did You Know? Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Are Two Different Things

b2ap3_thumbnail_backup_or_disaster_recovery_400.jpgEvery business owner knows how important data backup is to their company's continuity plan, and they realize that a disaster recovery solution can help save them in the event of catastrophe. However, some businesses think they are the same thing, and they are sadly mistaken. While they are similar, a backup is not a disaster recovery solution.

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New Office Trend “Hoteling” Provides Workers a Collaborative Work Environment

b2ap3_thumbnail_hoteling_office_trend_400.jpgEveryone is well aware of how mobile technology is changing everything. Therefore, it's a matter of time before we see new tech drastically change the office layout. This is what's happening in forward-thinking offices with a trend called "hoteling." If your business enjoys mobile technology and you want to get the most collaboration out of your staff, then hoteling is right for you.

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The Medieval Art of Guilds, IT-Style

b2ap3_thumbnail_it_guilds_400.jpgIn days of old, skilled people of all crafts joined together to improve the quality of their lives and their products. These were called guilds, and they're not unlike small businesses of today; a group of like-minded individuals who come together to make the public's lives easier. Your business is no different, and at LSeven Solutions, we understand that.

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Fight the Power: How A California Restaurant is Tackling Yelp’s Rating System

b2ap3_thumbnail_decisions_400.jpgThe Internet makes marketing your business much easier, but it's not that way for everyone. A restaurant in California has responded to the standard Internet marketing strategy with an out-of-the-box method of its own. David Cerretini, co-owner of the Italian restaurant Botto Bistro, has told his strategy to USA Today; "I want to be the worst restaurant in the San Francisco area!"

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Does the FCC’s Sack of the NFL Blackout Ruling Bode Well for Net Neutrality?

b2ap3_thumbnail_nfl_blackout_sacked_400.jpgAutumn is a time of change and tradition, and perhaps one of the most well-known is the return of football season. Previously, the broadcasting of local NFL games was restricted by the blackout rule, but a recent revocation of the rule could change everything. Whether you are a football fan or not, this decision to revoke the blackout rule could affect future decisions made by the FCC.

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Don’t Get Caught in a Software-Licensing Nightmare

b2ap3_thumbnail_software_licensing_current_400.jpgA business owner must understand the licensing status of their company's software, but this has grown more complicated since the inception of the Internet. If you feel like your employees, or maybe even your corporate culture survives off of pirated software or applications, or stuff you found "for free" online, then your business could potentially suffer from legal issues.

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Staying Ahead of Big Data is No Small Task

b2ap3_thumbnail_big_data_analytics_400.jpgCivilization has passed through various ages, like the Stone Age, the Ice Age, Bronze Age, and so on. And now, we're progressing through another one - the Data Age. In fact, 90 percent of the world's data was created in 2013. With each new device and system comes an incredible amount of data that must be processed, stored, and catalogued. This is Big Data, and the way that your business works with this information will determine the success of your business in the Data Age.

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3 Results Businesses are Demanding from Their Outsourced IT Provider

b2ap3_thumbnail_outsourced_it_key_to_success_400.jpgOutsourcing your companies IT is a great way to free up money and take advantage of time-saving remote services. Businesses have different reasons for signing up for the outsourcing service, but many clients have similar expectations of the results they want out of their managed IT service provider.

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Mobile Devices Leaving an Unsavory Taste in Restaurant Owner’s Mouth

b2ap3_thumbnail_problems_for_smartphones_restaurant_400.jpgSmartphones have revolutionized the way that we communicate with each other and increased productivity, but for some businesses, they are only making things worse. A perfect example of this is the restaurant business - in fact, one restaurant owner decided to take matters into his own hands, and has performed a study which examined their business before and after the mobile revolution.

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Windows 10 Is Just Around the Corner, But What’s the Demand?

b2ap3_thumbnail_window_logo_one_400.jpgJust because something is brand new doesn’t mean that there’s a market for it. Just look at Windows 8 to see what we’re talking about. It might have been a brand new operating system when it first came out, but it didn’t really take to users, who preferred the familiar feel of Windows 7. How do business owners suspect Windows 10 will affect the business world?

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Tip of the Week: 3 Ways to Recover from Your Vacation

b2ap3_thumbnail_post_vacation_day_dream_400.jpgEverybody loves a vacation from work, but nobody enjoys the stress of catching up when returning from said vacation. It doesn’t have to be this way. By taking a few precautions, you can avoid ever again having to say, “I need a vacation from my vacation.”

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Fans of Facebook Now Have a Facebook Business App

b2ap3_thumbnail_facebook_at_work_400.jpgFacebook has come a long way. Originally designed as a networking tool to be exclusively used by college students, Facebook now has 1.44 billion active users, making it the world’s largest social network. Today, businesses take Facebook seriously and utilize it for their marketing initiatives. However, it’s still viewed as a time-waster by many office managers who restrict or ban employees from accessing it.

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Tip of the Week: The Best Workers are Looking for a Flexible Work Environment

b2ap3_thumbnail_happy_employees_flexible_workplace_400.jpgOne of the biggest challenges of running a business is attracting and retaining quality workers. To accomplish this, you’re going to need more than an old-fashioned “help wanted” ad. These days, you will need to offer what quality employees are looking for--a flexible workplace environment.

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The Best Way to Keep Your IT Infrastructure Operating at Maximum Efficiency

b2ap3_thumbnail_happy_it_user_400.jpgIt’s the goal of every IT administrator for every part of their network to run smoothly. Achieving this level of IT perfection is a beautiful thing that makes the job of everyone in the company easier. Unfortunately, all it takes is one component to fail for this dream of IT utopia to come crashing down.

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3 Benefits That a Managed Help Desk Solution Brings to the SMB

b2ap3_thumbnail_managed_it_services_400.jpgAs a business owner, you know that technology is a necessary, albeit unpredictable, investment. Your organization thrives off of it operating as expected, yet suffers when it doesn’t function properly. This is the primary reason why the idea of help desk support was first introduced. It’s an effective medium through which your employees can receive tech support when it’s needed most.

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If you feel like you have too many browser tabs open at any given time, then you'll be happy to know that you can sometimes save certain browser tabs as a standalone application on your device. This will give them their own icon and make accessing th...

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L7 Solutions
7890 Peters Road Building G102,
Plantation, Florida 33324