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LSeven Solutions Blog

LSeven Solutions has been serving the Fort Lauderdale area since 2001, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Welcome to LSeven's Blog!  Here we will share useful tips and tricks for Computers and Information on Our IT Services!

What do CIOs Really Think of Windows 10?

b2ap3_thumbnail_opinions_of_windows_10_400.jpgWindows 10, the next big Microsoft’s Windows operating system, has a lot to live up to, and enterprises have had the chance to experiment with the technical preview for the past month. While the operating system will still be in development for the better part of next year, some professionals are forming opinions of what to expect from it. From the technical preview, what do businesses think of Windows 10 so far?

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Did You Know? Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Are Two Different Things

b2ap3_thumbnail_backup_or_disaster_recovery_400.jpgEvery business owner knows how important data backup is to their company's continuity plan, and they realize that a disaster recovery solution can help save them in the event of catastrophe. However, some businesses think they are the same thing, and they are sadly mistaken. While they are similar, a backup is not a disaster recovery solution.

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Tip of the Week: How to Use Your Smartphone to Actually Be Productive

b2ap3_thumbnail_productive_smartphone_400.jpgThere is consistent conversation about the security of your data and the best ways to minimize the risk of losing it. At some point in this conversation the topic of mobile devices comes up. The general consensus is that the more places your staff can access their work, the more they can get done, and how could it not? With smartphones becoming as predominant as coffee mugs, and the nature of mobile devices that have the capability of hopping from one network to the next, how can you ignore that the devices themselves are a data-loss risk?

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Microsoft Bites Back with Fix to POODLE SSL Vulnerability

b2ap3_thumbnail_poodle_ssl_vulnerable_400.jpgA few weeks ago, a new vulnerability was discovered in the Internet Explorer functionality of SSL 3.0. Due to the encompassing nature of the vulnerability, all operating systems are affected. This makes it a big problem that must be resolved. Thankfully, Microsoft has released a fix to the vulnerability, called Fix It, making it far easier to prevent the vulnerability from becoming an issue.

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Ghost Servers - Who Ya Gonna Call?

b2ap3_thumbnail_ghost_server_400.jpgEveryone has heard horror stories about the spirits of the dead lingering in this world. Every culture on this planet has different beliefs about the nature of these spectral beings. Not much is known about these beings, but people still believe without a doubt that they exist. In regards to technology, ghosts do exist, in the form of ghost servers.

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Tip of the Week: How to Make a Good Impression with Your Email

b2ap3_thumbnail_email_tips_for_you_400.jpgEmail is synonymous with doing business in the digital age. Therefore, it's in your best interest to become an expert at crafting dynamic emails. Writing a good email takes common sense and careful editing. You don't have to be an English major to write a professional email--just follow these simple tips.

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New Office Trend “Hoteling” Provides Workers a Collaborative Work Environment

b2ap3_thumbnail_hoteling_office_trend_400.jpgEveryone is well aware of how mobile technology is changing everything. Therefore, it's a matter of time before we see new tech drastically change the office layout. This is what's happening in forward-thinking offices with a trend called "hoteling." If your business enjoys mobile technology and you want to get the most collaboration out of your staff, then hoteling is right for you.

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Tip of the Week: How to Remotely Wipe Your Android Device Clean

b2ap3_thumbnail_wipe_your_android_device_400.jpgMobile technology has invaded our very way of life. We don’t leave the house without our mobile phones, and many business owners have their phones integrated to connect with their company’s network. The average user has many different social media applications and others that utilize personal information. What would happen if you lost it?

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Alert: Cryptowall 2.0 Ransomware On the Loose

b2ap3_thumbnail_alert_cryptwall_400.jpgThe latest threats can put a damper on your business plan and put your company at risk. Therefore, it's only natural to protect yourself from them. This new threat in particular, Cryptowall 2.0, has the potential to do plenty of heavy-duty damage to your business's network, if given the opportunity.

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To Understand the Hacker, You Must Become the Hacker

b2ap3_thumbnail_hacker_information_400.jpgHackers are mysterious. Not much is known about them - until they get caught, at least. But until the divine hammer of justice is brought down upon them, they will continue to stalk the shadows and wait for us to unknowingly hand over our personal information. What they don't want you to know is that they generally act according to a few particular variables, and that it is possible to avoid their pitfalls.

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Tip of the Week: Organize Your Microsoft Outlook Contact List

b2ap3_thumbnail_microsoft_outlook_400.jpgWhat's your Microsoft Outlook contact list looking like these days? For many busy business owners, their email contacts list is jumbled and unorganized, making it difficult to do something simple like locate needed information. Here are a few tips to help you better organize your Outlook contacts so that you can quickly find what you're looking for.

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The Medieval Art of Guilds, IT-Style

b2ap3_thumbnail_it_guilds_400.jpgIn days of old, skilled people of all crafts joined together to improve the quality of their lives and their products. These were called guilds, and they're not unlike small businesses of today; a group of like-minded individuals who come together to make the public's lives easier. Your business is no different, and at LSeven Solutions, we understand that.

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Tip of the Week: How to Prevent IT Equipment Theft

b2ap3_thumbnail_device_theft_400.jpgHow familiar are you with the IT equipment owned by your business? If you don't keep detailed records of your equipment and enact security measures and policies, then you're making it easy for theft to occur. We've written a lot about protecting your business from data theft, but it's equally important that you take precautions to safeguard your stuff.

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BadUSB: Theoretical Malware Turned Reality

b2ap3_thumbnail_usb_security_400.jpgWe reported in August that security researcher Karsten Nohl of SR Labs revealed a flaw in USB firmware that cripples the technology beyond repair. At the Black Hat security conference, it was revealed that USB devices of all kinds can be targeted by hidden malware. Nohl refused to release the code used in the research, due to being concerned that it would be used by the wrong hands, but it has been made public anyway, putting the masses at risk.

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Does the FCC’s Sack of the NFL Blackout Ruling Bode Well for Net Neutrality?

b2ap3_thumbnail_nfl_blackout_sacked_400.jpgAutumn is a time of change and tradition, and perhaps one of the most well-known is the return of football season. Previously, the broadcasting of local NFL games was restricted by the blackout rule, but a recent revocation of the rule could change everything. Whether you are a football fan or not, this decision to revoke the blackout rule could affect future decisions made by the FCC.

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Why Did Microsoft Skip Windows 9? Because Seven Eight Nine! (Get it?)

b2ap3_thumbnail_windows_10_400.jpgThe news is out; what was previously thought to be Windows 9, codenamed “Threshold,” has been revealed to be Windows 10. While leaks have already shown us quite a bit of what the latest installment of Windows can do, the official reveal goes into more detail about the nature of Windows 10 for enterprises and even common users. First, let’s go over what we already know about the enigmatic new operating system, then we’ll get into the juicy new details.

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Fight the Power: How A California Restaurant is Tackling Yelp’s Rating System

b2ap3_thumbnail_decisions_400.jpgThe Internet makes marketing your business much easier, but it's not that way for everyone. A restaurant in California has responded to the standard Internet marketing strategy with an out-of-the-box method of its own. David Cerretini, co-owner of the Italian restaurant Botto Bistro, has told his strategy to USA Today; "I want to be the worst restaurant in the San Francisco area!"

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Tip of the Week: How to Reorganize Your IT Infrastructure

b2ap3_thumbnail_get_your_it_in_order_400.jpgEveryone needs a tip occasionally. Therefore, we want to provide our followers with what we like to call, "Tips of the Week." These helpful tidbits are targeted toward helping you understand certain aspects of business technology. For our first tip, we will walk you through how to reorganize your IT infrastructure. For more tips, see our previous blog articles.

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Alert: Don’t Get Hit with Shellshock by the New Bash Bug

b2ap3_thumbnail_alert_bash_bug_400.jpgA new malicious threat in the technical marketplace has just been discovered. The bug, dubbed the Bash bug, or "shellshock," is on the loose for users of Unix-based operating systems, like Linux or Mac OS X. It allows the execution of arbitrary code on affected systems, and could potentially be very dangerous for your business. In fact, CNet is calling it "bigger than Heartbleed."

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Are You Sure Your Former Employees Won’t Stab You in the Back?

b2ap3_thumbnail_former_employee_theft_400.jpgAs a business owner, you've probably had the misfortune of letting a valued (or not-so-valued) employee go. The reasons might vary, but one thing is consistent: they're gone, and could potentially use their newfound residual malice to strike your business right where it hurts. How can you prepare yourself against former employees you may have once called "family?"

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Whether it's a personal challenge or a necessity, keeping productivity high is good for an individual’s career growth and overall self-worth. Unfortunately, staying on top of your game can be difficult. We thought we would give you three things to co...

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7890 Peters Road Building G102,
Plantation, Florida 33324